ed_fred provides an interface to access the economic data provided by FRED (https://fred.stlouisfed.org)
ed_fred(symbol = NULL, date_range = "10y", from = NULL,
to = Sys.Date(), na_rm = FALSE, print_step = 1L)
symbols of FRED economic indicators. It is available via function ed_fred_symbol
or its website. Default is NULL, which calls ed_fred_symbol
in the back.
date range. Available value includes '1m'-'11m', 'ytd', 'max' and '1y'-'ny'. Default is '10y'.
the start date. Default is NULL. If it is NULL, then calculate using date_range and end date.
the end date. Default is the current date.
logical, whether to remove missing values. Default is FALSE
a non-negative integer, which will print symbol name by each print_step iteration. Default is 1L.
a list of dataframes with columns of symbol, name, date, value, geo, unit. The geo column might be NA according to local internet connection.
# \donttest{
dat = ed_fred(c("A191RL1A225NBEA", "GDPCA"))
#> 1/2 A191RL1A225NBEA
#> 2/2 GDPCA
# }